HIGLIGHTS: September 2022 Music Film Festival

Showcase of the best FILMS in the world today.

Audience Award Winners:
Best Music Video: BALLO DA SOLA
Best Experimental Film: ASPHODEL FIELDS
Best Short Form Short Film: CONVERGENCE
Best Long Form Short Film: NATURE DREAMS
Best Direction: SOLSTICE
Best Cinematography: FIVE MOMENTS
Best Performances: CHASE
Best Animation: NEW WORLD ORDER
Best Sound & Music: BEAT

Watch the Audience Feedback Video for each film:

HEART OF THE EARTH, 8min., USA, Music/Dance
Directed by Lindsay Gilmour
A short dance film exploring the natural world through the conduit of the human body

WATCH HERE – The audience feedback video of the film!

FIVE MOMENTS, 19min,. UK, Musical

Directed by Magdalena Maria Herfurtner
The film explores grief by bringing five distinctive moments in a woman’s journey to life as she tries to cope with losing her partner. We follow Joan as she remembers, faces her feelings of emptiness and isolation and confronts her anger and pain – until she finally breaks free, if not from her grief, then at least from being stuck in what is no more.

WATCH HERE – The audience feedback video of the film!

ALWAYS YOUNG AND BRAVE, 5min,. Montenegro, Music Video
Directed by Ilia Smirnov
It’s not easy to raise a child as a good person, but it’s not easy to raise a puppy as a good boy too, especially when he is going through a transitional age and learn what rock ‘n’ roll is!

WATCH HERE – The audience feedback video of the film!

NEW WORLD ORDER, 5min., Singapore, Music Video

Directed by Susan Lim, Christina Teenz Tan, Samudra Kajal Saikia
An inanimate toy companion to a young girl fears irrelevance with the passage of time, from childhood through medical school and as the girl prepares to graduate. As it is exposed to the science and disruptive technologies in the girl’s college curriculum, it starts to crave some artificial intelligence, robotics and brain implants as it demands a voice, mobility, and most of all, respectability. Is this a new world order in the eyes of the inanimate ?

WATCH HERE – The audience feedback video of the film!

CHASE, 3min., USA, Music Video

Directed by Karla Gabriela CONTRERAS
Chase is about these metaphoric demons(alcohol) who are following Tommy everywhere he goes and making it very difficult on him. He lives in a nightmare where he can’t find his way out.

WATCH HERE – The audience feedback video of the film!

BALLO DA SOLA, 3min., Italy, Music Video

Directed by Emma Scarafiotti
We see Nica at a high-end tea party, looking slightly apathetic, before climbing under the table into a conceptual otherworld. She finds herself catapulted into this parallel dimension with her cat – her animal alter-ego – and finds that every logical rule is reversed, and anything can happen.

WATCH HERE – The audience feedback video of the film!

SOLSTICE, 3min., Canada, Music Video

Directed by Miguel Raymond
“Solstice” is a film that moves from light to darkness, opposes water and fire. In this stage of life, our choices influence our destiny, but it is a path that all must walk.

WATCH HERE – The audience feedback video of the film!

CONVERGENCE, 7min., USA, Experimental

Directed by Anahita von Andrian-Werburg, Maya Marzuki Peters
Breaking a long slumber, a mysterious rope leads a soul through a decaying world as he attempts to connect with another.

WATCH HERE – The audience feedback video of the film!

BEAT, 11min,. Canada, Experimental

Directed by Martin Daigle, Sylvain Pohu
To subject to repeated beatings or physical abuse, to strike against repeatedly and with force, To shape or break by repeated blows, to defeat or subdue, and many other meanings of the word beat is thematic content that influenced the structure of this solo for drum kit and electronics. Furthermore, the abstract and various meanings of the word are represented by the sound of free jazz and noise music is present during the entirety of the piece.

WATCH HERE – The audience feedback video of the film!

NATURE DREAMS, 25min,. Brazil, Experimental

Directed by Ale Amendola
Nature Dreams is a visual and sound dive in a fantastic nature. Exotic places, sounds and colors create an atmosphere of enigmatic beauty. An experience to expanding the senses towards an immersive and dreamlike universe.

WATCH HERE – The audience feedback video of the film!

ASPHODEL FIELDS, 5min., USA, Experimental

Directed by Luigi Calabrese
Asphodel Fields is an experimental short film that analyzes the cyclical, manipulative grasp that technology has on human beings and the latter’s desperate desire to escape modern life and regain a connection to the natural world. Humanity’s relationship with nature has been distorted, and with time, the devices that we once viewed as modern comforts have turned themselves into objects of control.

WATCH HERE – The audience feedback video of the film!

By experimentalfilmfestival

Festival occurs 3 times a month! Showcased the best of experimental short films and music videos from around the world.

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